
Complex Values

Some values in MCF need refer to values that can not be represented by single numeric or text values. We represent these using “complex values”.

Examples of complex values include:

  1. a Quantity, coded as:
  2. a QuantityRange, coded as one of:
    • [<unit> <startval> <endval>] represents [X, Y], for example: [Acre 1 9.9] represents Acre quantities between 1 and 9.9 (endpoints inclusive)
    • [<unit> - <endval>] represents (-INF, Y], for example: [Celsius - -5] represents Celsius quantities lesser than or equal to -5 (inclusive)
    • [<unit> <startval> -] represents [X, INF), for example: [Acre 1000 -] represents Acre quantities greater than or equal to 1000.
  3. a GeoCoordinate represents a point on Earth referenced by latitude/longitude coordinates, coded as one of:

    GeoCoordinate values for the latitude and longitude may either:

    1. Use a - sign when they are on the South or West or,
    2. Have a suffix of N, E, S, or W to indicate which hemisphere they belong to.